8 Common Ant Home Invaders

Ants can be found all over the world, except maybe Antarctica. There are more than 12,000 different ant species known to exist today. Fortunately, only a few species of ants tend to get into homes.

In order to determine what kind of ants are in your home you need to take into account several factors such as your geographic region, the appearance of the ants and their habitat. An ant’s body can have 1-2 “humps,” on its thorax which is crucial identifier for the species, along with its size and color. Some ants can sting, others can bite and then there are others like the fire ant, can bite and sting. 

Here are the home-invading ants you should keep an eye on:

1. Acrobat ants

These are worker ants which varies in color, from brown to yellowish brown, reddish black to black. Acrobat ants nest outdoors primarily in moist wood structures, as well as in foam panel insulation. When threatened, acrobat ants will lift their abdomens above their heads, looking like a scorpion. They hold up their abdomen in the air, making them look like they’re tumbling hence the term “acrobat ant.” They are aggressive and will sting.

2. Argentine ants

These ants have a length of 2.2 to 2.8 mm long and have a single node. They can either be light brown or dark brown. Argentine ants nest in various outdoor areas throughout the winter and in the summer they choose shaded spots. In homes, they are sometimes found in wall voids and insulation. These ants emit a musty smell when you step on them but they do not sting. 

3. Asian needle ants

These ants have a length of 5 mm and have a single node. They have a brown-black body with orange mandibles. Asian needle ants prefer to nest outdoors in shaded areas rich in moisture. They are less aggressive than other ant types but will sting if trapped in clothes or pressed onto human skin. The sting can be quite painful and there have been incidences when their sting triggered an anaphylactic shock in humans. 

4. Carpenter ants

There are several variations of the carpenter ants in the United States. They are considered structural pests and they have an average length of 6 – 13mm. While carpenter ants don’t eat wood, they use it to build nests. They prefer roofs and wooden structures that have moisture. Some carpenter ants are aggressive and if their nests are disturbed, they will sting.

5. Crazy ants

These ants are 2.2 to 3mm long and have a single node. Their color is black-brown with long antennae and legs. Crazy ants are non-discriminatory nesters, which means they can build colonies in dry and moist environments. Outside they nest in heavy vegetation, soil, garbage and mulch. Indoors, you can find them in houseplants, wall voids and under carpets. When disturbed, crazy ants move around sporadically hence the name. Crazy ants do not sting.

6. Dark rover ants

Dark rover ants have length of approximately 1.6 mm. They have one node and their color ranges from medium brown to dark brown. They are often found in grass edges, parking lots, and objects lying on the ground. You can also find them in bathrooms and kitchens.  These ants like sweet liquids and they tend to build very large colonies. Fortunately they don’t sting.

7. European fire ants

These ants have a length of about 4 – 5 mm. They have two nodes and are usually light reddish-brown in color. During summer months, European fire ants form nests in gardens, shrubbery and lawns. During cold months, you can find them near water heaters and under bath tubs. These ants are very aggressive and have a painful sting. 

8. Field ants

These ants range in size from 4 – 8 mm. Field ants have one node and have varying colors including brown, black, yellow-brown and red. Field ants form nests in open areas of dead wood, soil or greenery. Field ants have stingers and can also release formic acid, which can induce pain. 

If you have ant colonies in your home or yard, you may want to get rid of them before they cause damage to your property or hurt your family and pets. For a comprehensive solution, you can contact Arrow pest control service.

Category: Tips