Help! How to Get Rid of Bats in My House?

There are over 1,400 bat species around the world. A lot of people are scared of them but bats are actually good for our ecosystem. In any case, if you suspect you have bats in your home and would like to know how to get rid of them, this guide is for you!

The problem with bats is that while they are not destructive by nature, they have high uric acid in their waste, making them and the areas they frequent, quite smelly. Moreover, high levels of uric acid is corrosive so when bat waste piles up, it can endanger your building’s structure.

We should also not dismiss the fact that bat droppings contain fungal spores which can cause asthma flareups or allergies in certain individuals. Some bats also have rabies so even though they don’t really bite and prefer to be left alone, they can bite as a defense mechanism.

There are 3 main bat species that have been seen in homes in the US, namely:

  • The big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)
  • The Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis)
  • The little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus)

Signs You Have Bats in Your Home

If you think bats are in your home, you can confirm your suspicions by keeping an eye on these signs:

  • You see bats leaving your home at night (usually at dusk)
  • You hear squeaking or scratching sounds in your attic
  • You see droppings inside your home as well as outside such as your porch.
  • You hear high pitched chirping sounds at dusk.
  • You smell a strong odor in the attic.

These signs could also be indicative of other pests like rats so the only way to be sure is to actually see a bat.

How to Get Rid of Bats

When handling bats, make sure to wear protective gear like mask and gloves for your own safety. Moreover, you should also be careful when you see a bat during the day. Bats are nocturnal creatures so those that are seen during the day could be sick or rabid.

Use a Bat Repellent

Bat repellents are widely available and they often come in the form of ultrasonic devices and essential oil pouches. But they don’t offer guaranteed results and may require you to spend a lot of money before you can find one that actually works.

Install a One-Way Door

Using this kind of door will allow the bat to leave but prevents it from re-entering your home. You can also make your own one-way door using a thick garbage bag. Wait for the bat to leave and hunt for food at night and then set up this “door.” Once the bat returns, it will use its sonar to find the open hole but will no longer be able to detect it, forcing it to look for shelter elsewhere.

Seal All Entry Points

Bats may want to hang out in your attic so figure out where it enters and seal this hole. If possible, wait for the bat to go out and hunt for food at night so they don’t die inside your house to prevent a stinky problem.

Hang a Bat Box

Sure we don’t want bats inside our homes but they can be especially useful in getting rid of mosquitoes. We recommend hanging bat boxes outside your house (after you’ve sealed up all entry points into your house). They can keep those mozzies at bay and with bat boxes around, there’s no need for bats to want to enter your home.

If you believe you have a severe bat problem, calling in professional pest control services like Ecolab may be the safest and most effective option.

Category: Tips